Created by Gabriel Lozano 

CandyRain is a trick I came up with while messing around with one of the moves from White Buddha. The trick isn't as difficult as some of the newer stuff out, but it's a lot of fun. 

Step 1 - Magic Drop

Throw a trapeze, then perform a magic drop. However, instead of landing it on either the front or back string, you are going to completely fling it around your left hand.


Step 2 - Don't land on any string

Continue making the yo-yo go around the left hand. You will probably want the string to catch on the back of your left thumb as seen in the next step. While not necessary, it will make future steps easier. 

You are eventually going to make the yo-yo go around the right finger again as well.

Step 3 - Keep it going...

The yo-yo is going to go around the right index finger.


Step 4 - Land on the red string

You are going to land the yo-yo on the red string.


Step 5 - Drop Stuff

Now, you are going to drop everything except for the red strings. This is going to be very difficult if you did not use your left thumb in Step 2


Step 6 - Pop out from Man-Bro

You will now be in Man and his Brother. Pop the yo-yo out to the right.


Step 7 - Pinch and Swing

Pinch the yo-yo string with the right hand, and let it swing back over the left index finger.


Step 8 - Swing and land

Now, you are going to land the yo-yo on he red string.


Step 9 - Drop the pinch

You will be sort of in a Double or Nothing. Now, drop everything you are pinching with your right hand.


Step 10 - Swing into Pre-Houdini

You will now have the yo-yo draped over your left hand index finger. Place your thumb on the string where the green circle is, and swing the yo-yo clockwise to unwind the hold.


Step 11 - Pull into Houdini

If you placed your thumb right, you should end up in something like this, Now, you are going to turn this hold into a Houdini Drop by inserting your right hand index finger int the gap between the double string (from your left index) and single string (left thumb), then pulling apart.


Step 12 - Houdini and Pop

You should now be in a Houdini Drop. Pop the yo-yo out of this hold, and let it go counter clockwise.


Step 13 - Swing

Go into a Reverse Man and his Brother from this Houdini hold.


Step 14 - Land

Land the yo-yo on the red string.


Step 15 - Drop

Drop the strings from your left hand fingers (but not the string off of the thumb).


Step 16 - White Buddha thing

Now you are going to do a White Buddha move. Swing the yo-yo over your left hand. At one point, your hands will cross. Somehow (not quite sure how or why) the string on your left thumb will transfer to your index finger.

 You will now repeat steps 6 through 13

Step 17 - Pop out

You will now be in Man and his Brother. Pop the yo-yo out to the right.


Step 18 - Pinch and swing

Pinch the yo-yo string with the right hand, and let it swing back over the left index finger.


Step 19 - Swing and land

Now, you are going to land the yo-yo on he red string.


Step 20 - Drop the pinch

You will be sort of in a Double or Nothing. Now, drop everything you are pinching with your right hand.


Step 21 - Swing into Pre-Houdini

You will now have the yo-yo draped over your left hand index finger. Place your thumb on the string where the green circle is, and swing the yo-yo clockwise to unwind the hold.


Step 22 - Pull to Houdini

If you placed your thumb right, you should end up in something like this, Now, you are going to turn this hold into a Houdini Drop by inserting your right hand index finger in the gap between the double string (from your left index) and single string (left thumb), then pulling apart.


Step 23 - Houdini

You should now be in a Houdini Drop. Pop the yo-yo out of this hold, and let the yo-yo go counter-clockwise.


Step 24 - Pop out and swing

Keep it swinging...


Step 25 - Miss everything

Now, instead of landing the yo-yo like you did before, make it go around the left hand.


Step 26 - Come around again...

Let the yo-yo travel around not only the left index finger (Step 25) but now the right index finger.


Step 27 - Land on the red string

Now, make the yo-yo land on the red string. Yes there is a big mess of strings, but that will clear up in a minute.


Step 28 - Drop stuff

Drop everything off of the left hand except the string that goes over your index finger.


Step 29 - Underpass

Now you are back to Man and his Brother. You are now going to do an underpass.


Step 30 - Continue underpass

Continue the underpass.


Step 31 - Level hands

Now, your hands should be crossed after Step 30. Uncross them and push up against the 2 strings coming down from the right hand in this picture.


Step32 - Pop out

Pop the yo-yo out (on the outside, farthest away from you)


Step 33 - Finger twist

Make the yo-yo go around the left index finger. It will initially be wrapped, but a simple twist of the finger will fix this.


Step 34 - Swing more

The yo-yo should follow the arrows and go around the right index.


Step 35 - Land

Land the yo-yo on the red string.


Step 36 - Pop out

Now, pop the yo-yo off clockwise.


Step 37 - Pinch and swing

Pinch the string with your right hand index, and make the yo-yo swing back to the left hand.


Step 38 - Land 

Land the yo-yo on the red string.


Step 39 - Drop

Drop everything from the right hand.


Step 40 - Unwind and dismount

Now, just unwind the yo-yo with two counterclockwise rotations. Keep in mind that the second of these rotations will have to be past the right hand. This will probably happen naturally and if you don't understand it I'm sure you can figure it out. After this step, you will be back in Trapeze. Dismount however.