String tricks are defined as tricks where the yoyo lands on the string. Most beginner-level string tricks can be learned from Ken's World on a String. After that, this site serves as a good gateway to advanced level tricks. Click below to view detailed illustrated instructions for each trick.
- Boomerang
- Eli Hops
- Gyroscopic Flop
- Flip Backs
- Jedi Backflip
- Jedi Boingy Boing
- Trapeze to Double or Nothing
- MJ
- Matrix
- Mondial
- Nanda Kanda
- Ripcord
- Scrunchee
- Side Maneuver
- Skin the Gerbil
- Slinky
- Wave Rider
- Zerber!
- Doppler Rolls
- Boingy Boing
- Invertigo
- Cold Fission
- Cold Fusion
- Mach 5
- Pop-n-Fresh
- Triangulation
- Tumbleweed
- Sea Sick
- Wormhole
- Candyrain
- Kamikaze
- Kwijibo
- Pink Hippo
- Spirit Bomb
- Superman
- White Buddha
- The below illustrations were created by Matt Bates for yoyovideos.com, a site that is no longer operable. If anyone knows where Matt Bates is, please have him contact me.
- And Whut?
- Kamikaze II
- Pure 143
- Rancid Milk
- White Buddha II