Created by Doctor Popular

Even though I illustrated this trick, you really have to watch the video to see how it is supposed to be done. This trick is done mostly alpha style -- something that these illustrations cannot capture. This trick is actually a combo, but the way it flows together is just awesome. Enjoy! Thanks to Doc Pop for teaching this to me.

Step 1 - Trapeze

Start with a Trapeze, you are now going to do a reverse somersault. When you do this somersault, you will have to turn your right hand sideways (green arrow). To get to the position of the somersault, move your hand in the direction of the blue arrow.


Step 2 - Reverse Trapeze Somersault

Do a reverse somersault by moving your right hand in the direction of the blue arrows. When you do this, you will flip the yo-yo in the direction of the orange arrows. You should end up back in a Trapeze.

Step 3 - Lindy Loop

After the reverse somersault, your hand can return to normal trapeze position. Now you are going to do a lindy loop. The yo-yo should have some momentum from the somersault, and will continue to go in the direction of the orange arrows.


Step 4 - Lindy Loop

Continue the Lindy Loop...


Step 5 - Lindy Loop



Step 6 - Lindy Loop

Now reverse the lindy loop back to a trapeze.


Step 7 - Unwind Lindy Loop

Continue reversing it...


Step 8 - Unwind Lindy Loop

Continue reversing it until you get back into a trapeze.


Step 9 - You're Back to Trapeze, Do a Somersault

Now turn your right hand as shown (green arrow). And move your right hand over your left.


Step 10 - Somersault

Do the somersault...


Step 11 - Somersault

Continue the somersault and you will be back to trapeze.


Step 12 - Somersault

Now, with the momentum of that somersault, the yo-yo will continue the path of the orange arrows, into a reverse lindy loop.


Step 13 - Reverse Lindy Loop


Step 14 - Reverse Lindy Loop

When you land the reverse lindy, land it on both the strings (red strings).


Step 15  - Reverse Lindy Loop, Unwind

Now, you are going to undo the lindy loop...


Step 16 - Unwind Reverse Lindy Loop

Continue unwinding the lindy loop


Step 17 - Unwind Reverse Lindy Loop

Continue unwinding back to trapeze. Now you are going to go back into a lindy loop


Step 18 - Go back into a lindy loop...almost

You will now do a lindy loop and "miss" on purpose. Remember to turn your right hand (green arrow).


Step 19 - Go back into a lindy loop...almost

Continue the lindy loop...


Step 20 - Miss the lindy loop on the outside

Now, you are going to do a "propellor" type move, where you swing the yo-yo in front of the string in a full circle.


Step 21 - Land the Missed Lindy Loop

You are now going to land the yo-yo on the red string. The green arrow indicates the string should be twisted around your left pointer from Step 20.


Step 22 - Reverse into Trapeze

Dismount and reverse the missed lindy loop into a trapeze.


Step 23 - Reverse into Trapeze

Continue unwinding back to trapeze.


Step 24 - Reverse into Trapeze

Continue back to trapeze


Step 25 - Reverse into Trapeze  

After you finish the motion to the right, you will be back in a trapeze!


Note - You NEED to view the video for this trick in order to get the style right. Almost everything naturally blends into one another, and so you need to blend it when you do the trick. This trick is done alpha style.